
About Um LungA school

LungA skólinn er tilraunakenndur jarðvegur fyrir sköpun, listir og fagurfræði. Hann er listaskóli fyrir þá sem hafa opinn huga, fyrir þá ótömdu og fyrir þá sem vilja rannsaka.

Við viljum ýta undir sérstöðu hvers einstaklings og styðja við bakið á nemendum okkar, svo þeir finni sér sína leið í átt að sterkari sjálfsmynd, ásamt því að þroskast, skilja betur heiminn og finna sitt hlutverk í honum. Við framkvæmum í gegnum tungumál listarinnar og sköpunargáfunnar.

Við leitumst við að veita nemendum okkar magnaða, listræna og tilraunakennda menntunar-upplifun sem verður grunnur þeirra í áframhaldandi listrænni framkvæmd, námi, vinnu sem og í lífinu almennt.

Þar sem að LungA Skólinn er alþjóðleg menntastofnun er okkar aðal tungumál Enska.


Við erum staðsett á Seyðisfirði. Leyndardómsfulla þorpinu sem kúrir á milli hárra fjallatoppa. Í göldróttu andrúmslofti þar sem allt er mögulegt. Bjartar sumarnætur, dimmir vetrardagar, stórbrotin náttúra og það sem er jafnvel enn mikilvægara: fjarlægð frá umheiminum. Þetta skapar möguleika á betri einbeitningu, innblæstri og ítarlegri tilraunastarfsemi.

Seyðisfjörður hefur í gegnum árin verið miðstöð listamanna og sköpunar og staðurinn hefur gengt hlutverki sem umgjörð fjölda annarra menningarverkefna allt árið um kring.

Aðstaða LungA skólans er dreifð í þorpinu og nemendur munu standa fyrir opnum viðburðum og sýningum sem hluta af náminu og vera þátttakendur í samfélaginu á margvíslegan máta.


Hópur fastráðins starfsfólks LungA skólans mun útfæra og greiða fyrir náminu. Þau munu leiðsegja og styðja við nemendur á ferðalagi sínu og tryggja að þróun verði á náminu. Öll námskeið og fyrirlestrar verða haldnir af utanaðkomandi listamönnum og fagfólki sem starfar enn innan viðkomandi geira.

Við störfum með stóru tengslaneti starfandi listamanna, sem þýðir að við bjóðum upp á námskeið sem eru tengd nýjustu straumum og tilraunastarfsemi innan gildandi hefða.

Briefly put, the LungA School is an independent, artist-led institution and situation where we experiment with artistic practice as a way of doing, thinking and being in order to cultivate, disturb, distort and transform our notions of aesthetics, learning, perception and good judgement.

As the name implies it considers itself a school, but if we imagine that we did not only call it a school, but something else such as ‘a work of art’, or ‘a commune’ these terms seem to be able to fit as well, and not only do they fit, but they seem to be able to describe some aspects of this place which we consider to be essential. Apparently, these terms and concept which we recognize through a range of more or less clearly defined conditions, have, in the case of this particular school, several overlapping conditions so that it is not enough to simply talk about this as a school if we wish to describe it in a way that might convey, more fully, the experience of being here. This means that we have been developing several voices that stand on all sides of the school and speak to the aspects that it sees. And together they form a fuller picture.

These voices are being spelled out further in the manifesto and program which you can download HERE

We are a small school because that allows us to focus on each individual student that decides to attend.

We encourage a person’s uniqueness and support the students on their path towards a stronger sense of self, along with developing an understanding of the world we live in, and their ability to act in it. We do this through the language and practice of art.

We strive to give the students an experimental educational experience as a foundation for further artistic practice and studies, work life and life in general.

As LungA School is an international school, all parts of the program will be in english.


We are based in Seyðisfjörður. A mystical village between throning mountains. A place where everything is possible. With bright summers, dark winters, beautiful nature and even more important, distance from the rest of the world. This gives an opportunity for deeper focus, inspiration and thorough experimentation.

Seyðisfjörður has for many years been a hub for artists and other creatives, and it is the setting for many cultural initiatives all year round.

The LungA School facilities are placed all around the town and the students will create open events and exhibitions during the program and take part in the community in many ways.


The full-time faculty at LungA School are the ones designing and facilitating the program. They are there to support the students on their journey, to give guidance and to ensure the development in the program. All workshops and lectures are done by external artists and professionals, all of whom are still working within their respective fields.

We are collaborating with a huge network of practicing artists which means that we present workshops that are related to the current context and the questions we ask ourselves these days.