
A new curriculum


It is now three years since we started this school and it has been three years of countless surprises. It is unclear what we actually thought would happen, but it is very clear that we had not imagined this. Perhaps we had imagined that with time the school would solidify and manifest itself more clearly. That with time it would become clearer to us what a school actually is and the conceptual framing around this whole endeavor would become crystal clear. Perhaps we thought that with time we would come up with an answer to the question ‘what is the LungA School’ that would feel comprehensive and fitting and able to contain the whole thing in simple, clear words so that when saying it out loud it would invoke a sense of satisfaction like placing the last piece in a puzzle and finally seeing the whole picture.

That, luckily, has not happened.

Let’s hope it never will.


We have written a new curriculum. This curriculum has seen a lot of changes from it’s previous version. Most of all in the way that it does not so much resemble a traditional curriculum anymore, but has become document with two centers of gravity that circles around each other. The manifesto and the composition.

The purpose of a document like this must be to reflect the existence of a thing rather than representing it. In this mirror we see our own shortcomings and in the actual thing we see the limits of the mirror.

And this is also how it has been created. The programs at the school fuel the conversation on what constitutes a school in general and what constitutes this particular school, while this conversation in return feeds into the way we make a school.

Thus we now have this document, but it does not matter. What matters is that it has been made and has been in the making for almost two years, meaning that it is compiled from numerous conversations, thoughts, reflections, experiments, ideas and with participation from both students, teachers, guests and friends.

And all that will continue.

We hope you’ll enjoy reading it.

You can find it HERE.


The development of this curriculum has been supported by EUF/Erasmus+

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