
Ask The Fortune Horse

We are at a precipice in time, the potential for collapse feels imminent. Economic systems start to crack at the seams. Political systems become closed-meaning ideologies. People are displaced. Environmental tipping points inch closer. A point at which there is no turning back. We disconnect from the earth, that which is made of us, creating distractions that separate us from animals and nature. Cybernetic arm creation. Digital diet. The echo of bird song and waterfalls dimming to factory fusion, grating of machines and spinning of car wheels. We excavate and drill and dig with fervour into soft greenfields. We carve the blood from the earth and spit it out into plastic toy-petrol fume-pollution mask-selfie stick-sensibility.

We are consumers and we are free. We are consumers and we are free to consume. Accelerating beyond control, accelerating beyond vision. How do we locate our place within this mess we call reality, how do we relocate within the family of things? How do we break down the certainties; capitalism, the neoliberal ideologies of individualism and career-paths. How do we even fathom the certainty of any given reality, when news outlets can often be political agendas and money machines. An uncomfortable notion, an in-between stage, on the threshold of the known and the un. There we can hide or there we can thrive, and often from the chaos rises revolutionary ideas.

We spent the week discussing the storied nature of reality, unraveling the truths and considering how to exist within these structures. More so than considering answers to the unsolveable we posed questions; how to create our own narrative to live by. How to find meaning in simply being, rather than constantly striving. We spoke and we considered, we made a chapter a day and we wrote a book in a week. Ask The Fortune Horse.